Campus Puebla
Puebla, Mexico
In 2015, when the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey decided to revamp their educational system they brought on Sasaki to redesign the way their students learn—both pedagogically and spatially. This resulted in the development of the Tec 21 Education Model, a pedagogical structure that contributes to the formaÂtion of extraordinary professionals, with a deep commitment to society, rooted in a humanitarian worldview, and with a keen appreciation of interdisciplinary and collaborative learning.
In 2015, when the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey decided to revamp their educational system they brought on Sasaki to redesign the way their students learn—both pedagogically and spatially. This resulted in the development of the Tec 21 Education Model, a pedagogical structure that contributes to the formaÂtion of extraordinary professionals, with a deep commitment to society, rooted in a humanitarian worldview, and with a keen appreciation of interdisciplinary and collaborative learning.
Sasaki worked in close collaboÂration with the University’s Tec 21 advisory committee and the leadership at the Querétaro campus to articulate a clear vision that guided the overall campus framework and integration of the Tec 21 pedagogical structure.
The plan responds to its site context through a variety of conservation and development strategies, among which are the reclaiming of valuable land into a structured pedestrian friendly public realm, increasÂing connectivity amongst different parts of campus, actively engaging with allied industry and creating a framework for the integration of cutting edge pedagogical thinking.
A critical component of the overall campus framework was to re-work vehicÂular circulation within the campus. Consolidating extensive surface parking lots into two distributed parking garages enabled the creation of an integrated pedestrian and bike-friendly public realm in which all buildings and key program destinations are concentrated within a five-minute walking radius. A clear east-west pedesÂtrian spine now links all key components of the campus and creates a seamless transition between east and west, creating one integrated campus.
The Tec 21 toolkit and principles are harnessed to help strategize and strucÂture new building and public realm interventions within the Querétaro campus, and to create opportunities for collaboration and engagement with allied industries and the surrounding community.
For more information contact Dennis Pieprz.