Sasaki 擅于在设计中运用务实、创新且广泛深入的公众参与策略,坚信多方意见是实现更好规划设计的关键。我们在共享信息的过程中,融入趣味性和互动性,通过多种媒介深入调研,以发现公众的真实需求,让通常较少参与的群体发声,以确保方案真实反应多元意见。
A dynamic landscape that breaks the static sea wall boundary, improves accessibility and engagement, and provides protection from sea level rise
The premiere public amenity of Baton Rouge, LA, long deprived of social, economic, and natural activity, is being revitalized into an ecologically sound, cultural inclusive, and safe place
Virtual Reality offers Boston an interactive vision of the new Boston City Hall Plaza, gives clients insight into new arts and dining facilities
Recasting the "vision plan" as a storytelling exercise to get community members of all ages and backgrounds invested in the future of Denver's High Line Canal
Sasaki project team gathers community feedback as they develop a plan for the future of the Fort Point neighborhood
Sasaki designers Breeze Outlaw, Diana Fernandez-Bibeau, Sasaki alum Melissa Isidor, and the Frederick Douglass Sculpture Committee hosted an engaging community meeting to envision the future of the Frederick Douglass Sculpture Plaza
Sasaki heads to the Equality State to speak with University of Wyoming community members as planning begins