
The redesign of downtown Raleigh's Moore Square reinvigorates the public park while paying homage to its historic roots
摩尔广场的历史可追溯到两个多世纪之前。1792年,罗利市成为北卡州首府,同年,拥有测量师背景的参议员威廉·克里斯马斯(William Christmas)获国会推举为这座新城定制土地和街道规划方案,他从400多公顷的林地选取了当中160公顷进行开发,并参考了费城的规划格局,按几何网格布置罗利市的城市肌理。在当年众多规划举措中,保留至今的只剩下摩尔广场丶纳什广场和国会大厦广场,这些场地都是美国建国初期重要的市镇规划案例。

Public gatherings in Moore Square are a longstanding part of the city’s history

Sasaki engaged the residents of Raleigh in a priorities assessment starting in 2014 with the goal of confirming the public’s hopes for the future

The park’s lawn meets the community’s demand for flexible open space
设计方案利用 “方篮”策略,对广场的历史布局加以保护和强化:开放式中央露天空间的四边将种满高大的遮阴树,如同一个绿意满溢的边框;广场的与街道相接一侧的人行道将会拓宽,同时增建宽敞的入口广场和一排排花岗岩矮墙座位,这不仅为了满足使用者要求,加强广场和相邻街区的连接,也让广场显得更高雅端庄;广场南侧的路边停车位会被移除,以宽广的长形广场取代,农夫市场和社区活动日后可在这里举行;各个十字路口的形态也得到重新设计,通过压缩路口宽度以提升行人过路安全。

Moore Square’s layout is flexible, with green space to run around on, and shade to sit and relax in

Detailed planning around the perimeter of the Square ensured that the critical roots of each tree were undisturbed, even as walkways were revamped and new plantings were installed

The large oak trees that encircle Moore Square are an important part of the Square’s spirit

With the city sitting just beyond the Square, trees provide a sense of seclusion to visitors
在广场范围内,通行流线在沿用多年的X形基础上发展,其中一条新建的外缘路径,让访客有机会围绕中央草坪休闲漫步。中央草坪经重整后,带来灵活而开放的社区空间,适合用作季节性大型节目场地。整个草坪从西北到东南形成平缓的坡地,俨如一座绿意环抱的圆形剧场。三个昵称为“格罗夫客房 (Grove Rooms)”的小型聚会空间被树木保护区所围绕,艺术家布拉德·戈德堡(Brad Goldberg)设计的石墙坐席摆设其中,散发独有气氛。

The park is surrounded by massive oak trees, some of which are over 200 years old

Revitalization of the public lawn strengthened and prepared the space for large gatherings

In the interior of the square, circulation follows a historic X pattern, with reinforced connections to the surrounding streets

Newly implemented walkways make travel and sightlines through the square easy
In the interior of the square, circulation follows a historic X pattern, with reinforced connections to the surrounding streets
Newly implemented walkways make travel and sightlines through the square easy

A small pavilion at the center of the trellis contains a restaurant and public restrooms

Moore Square’s central structure sits back as part of the treescape, with an elegant design that does not distract from the square’s core spirit

Local restaurant professionals helped guide the direction of the plaza’s cafe to ensure that it would be successful

The many facets of Moore Square ensure that it is a place for all generations of Raleigh residents

The square’s southern edge will host future farmers markets and other community events
A small pavilion at the center of the trellis contains a restaurant and public restrooms
Moore Square’s central structure sits back as part of the treescape, with an elegant design that does not distract from the square’s core spirit
Local restaurant professionals helped guide the direction of the plaza’s cafe to ensure that it would be successful
The many facets of Moore Square ensure that it is a place for all generations of Raleigh residents
The square’s southern edge will host future farmers markets and other community events

The newly redesigned Moore Square will bring the historic park into the future as Raleigh continues to grow and develop
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Zachary Chrisco.