微软新英格兰研发中心 (NERD)
Akamai’s vision for their new headquarters is a singular and integrated campus, connecting all departments and groups seamlessly and thoughtfully
全球领先的内容传递网络品牌Akamai科技(Akamai Technologies)正重新构思设于麻州剑桥市的环球总部。
Akamai以全国快速发展的科技之都肯德尔广场(Kendall Square)为基地。他们现有的办公室分布于六栋大楼,分散的布局无疑阻碍了协作交流和创意思考——科技工业必备的促进因素。通过重新集中布置各个部门,Akamai期望在崭新的总部大楼提升效率,开拓机会,把员工和客户体验推上最高层次。
构想中的环球总部是一个发挥综合功能的园区,在高19层、总面积近44, 600平方米的总部大楼内,所有部门和团队将聚在同一屋檐下,彼此无缝联系。长一英里、昵称为“Aka-mile”的通行流线是贯穿各个协作空间的必要链接,促进办公空间无论是工作相约的会谈还是不期而遇的交流。大楼首数层的功能以访客接待为主,提供林林总总的客户服务,以入口大厅为起点的“Aka-mile”以耀目的互动展示装置和暖色的室内装饰材料迎接每一位进入大楼的员工和访客,登上更高楼层之后,“Aka-mile”继续引领访客探索Akamai的不同服务主题,深入了解这龙头企业的蜕变历程。
The entry is defined by bold scuptural form, color and light.
A pattern of intersecting lines traverses each floor, growing more concentrated in collaboration spaces and more sparse near quiet work stations
Connecting each of the buildings 19 floors is a mile-long continuous path, known as the AkaMile, encouraging travel from one floor to the next. Each floor is coded with a specific color ranging from orange to blue—Akamai’s brand colors—as a wayfinding tool
Each line in the pattern is impacted by the previously drawn line, adapting as the pattern evolves to achieve the desirable pattern density
The lines connect to various Akamai locations throughout the world, conceptually connecting satellite offices to Akamai’s global hub in Kendall Square
The AkaMile purposefully weaves its way through the remainder of office floors in a series of interconnecting stairs
This uninterrupted route allows for both horizontal connections to other employees on the floor, but also vertical connections to those on floors above and below
The AkaMile runs through the common areas of each floor, facilitating interaction throughout the office
The AkaMile purposefully weaves its way through the remainder of office floors in a series of interconnecting stairs
This uninterrupted route allows for both horizontal connections to other employees on the floor, but also vertical connections to those on floors above and below
The AkaMile runs through the common areas of each floor, facilitating interaction throughout the office
The design team drew inspiration from the idea of network connectivity to tie the office space together
Program destinations distributed across the floors attract people throughout the building, encouraging constant movement and a change in environs
The AkaMile extends the visual reach of a floor and eliminates the barrier caused by getting in an elevator
The exterior of the AkaMile is vibrantly colored across all floors, giving a clear indication of where to go to connect with co-workers
Alternative workplaces located in some of the best real estate in the building give every employee the opportunity to get a change of scenery and connect with their coworkers
All of the 300+ meeting rooms are video equipped to maximize the ability to work as global teams
There is always a clear transition between the collaborative space of the AkaMile and the focus space of the individual work areas
While there are primary food destinations strategically located in the building, each floor has a dedicated pantry for everyday use
Nooks under the stairs are transformed into areas of respite, equipped with lounge chairs and incredible views of the city
There is always a clear transition between the collaborative space of the AkaMile and the focus space of the individual work areas
While there are primary food destinations strategically located in the building, each floor has a dedicated pantry for everyday use
Nooks under the stairs are transformed into areas of respite, equipped with lounge chairs and incredible views of the city
The gradient of colors is visible from the outside, reinforcing Akamai’s identity to the public
Varied destinations encourage movement throughout the office
Sasaki collaborated with artist Erik Jensen on a world map showcasing Akamai’s global offices, which are represented by hand-dyed keys in Akamai’s brand colors. It doubles as a word search; quotes about Akamai’s history are spelled out with the keys. To cover this 18×9’ wall, 40,000 keys (or 460 keyboards) were used.
Wall graphics throughout the building display Akamai’s values. This graphic, located on the top floor in the cafeteria at the end of the Akamile, features all of the values in one place, summarizing the graphic experience throughout the building.
Akamai’s value “inclusion” is represented on the Akamile by including every color of the Akamile on the inside of the dimensional letters. This represents not only the floor colors, but the people who work on those floors. No matter who you are or what floor you work on, you are included in Akamai’s company culture.
功能项目的配置策略旨在吸引大楼用户在不同楼层之间自由往来,以带动创意交流,时刻产生流动的风景。为员工提供优质咖啡和小吃的咖啡店,是小休放松也是思考讨论的场地,电动家具与先进技术相辅相成,员工们聚在一起集思广益,日常的工作流程从此无需局限在个人的工作台。自成一体的图书馆拥有宁静的环境,工作间若想暂时逃离开放式办公室的喧闹,聚精会神地完成任务,这里适合不过。沿通行流线而布置的多个起居室是多用途空间,无论当天的工作编排密集与否,员工或在这里随意溜达,或换个风景继续拼搏。取名为“Mega Bytes”的楼顶数层是餐饮和活动节点,剑桥市以至全波士顿最佳的景观在此一览无余。
The AkaMile arranges many of Akamai’s customer service programs around the first few client reception floors
Informal and alternative working spaces are sprinkled throughout the AkaMile, allowing employees the opportunity to take in a change of scenery
Three larger pantries feature expanded beverage offerings as well as grab n’ go food service. Each has their own unique identity.
Quiet, isolated libraries offer a respite for those looking to escape the open office for more intense concentration
The placement of collaborative space keeps employees moving between different floors
Meeting spaces vary for traditional formal conference rooms to informal living room-like spaces
The kitchens feature a colorful and textured material palette
The light, airy “arena” on the eighth floor is a setting devoted to lively games of ping pong and pool
A video game room, dubbed the “lair,” invites employees with darker finishes, a sectional sofa, high wingback chairs, and card tables
The employee cafeteria was located at the top of the building in the area with best views of the city. Giving this prime real estate to everyone is a hallmark of Akamai’s dedication to its employees’ experience. The space is also meant to serve as a place for everyday work and larger scale events and presentations.
The AkaMile’s colors clearly communicate where collaboration and socialization occur, and where heads down time is meant to happen
By pulling the collaborative environments into a specifically and centrally designed zone, individual open desks are allowed to remain quiet and distraction free
The design creates a continuous loop, housing spaces that support knowledge sharing, information gathering, brainstorming, and invention
The Network Operations Command Center boasts a 100-foot-long digital wall broadcasting livetime data from around the world
The new headquarters positions Akamai in the public eye as a global leader in the content delivery network field
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Victor Vizgaitis.