
The new master plan will help ensure that the city will grow in a sustainable manner while reaffirming its brand as the panda capital of the world and securing a shared future for both of the area’s major species
国宝大熊猫作为中国特有的生态保护和文化符号是国际交流的友好使者, 是仅栖息于中国西部的珍稀濒危野生动物。尽管熊猫是世界各地动物园的镇园之宝,当今世界上仅存大约1,800只野生大熊猫。而成都作为世界上离大熊猫核心栖息地最近的城市,可谓名副其实的“熊猫之乡”,同时也是迅速扩张的大型城市。城市发展与生态保护往往相互冲突,但本项目通过规划69平方公里的三个熊猫片区,建构可持续发展框架来协调成都的城市化进程和大熊猫保护工作,带领成都打造永续的“熊猫之都”。

It is difficult to name an animal more beloved than the giant panda. The near-universal adoration of this endangered species was never far from mind as Sasaki collaborated with city leaders to thoughtfully grow the city while building a resilient future for the species.

The Chengdu Panda Reserve includes three physical sites, as well as an online experience via the pandaquest app which allows people from anywhere to experience Chengdu as the “panda capital” of the world

The Chengdu Panda Reserve is comprised of three distinct destinations: the Longquanshan Panda Village, the Beihu Panda Park, and the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness

A new entrance will become the main hub of the Beihu Panda Park and is served by an autonomous transit line that connects visitors arriving via public transit to all destinations within the park

Beihu Panda Park is designed as a district of engaging destinations including the expansion of the existing “Panda Base” research facility and visitor experience, the Chengdu Botanical Gardens, a wetland park, and additional mixed-use development situated along the primary public transit corridor

The panda base

State-of-the-art Panda breeding research facilities and labs at the Beihu Panda Park provide visitors with unique opportunities to witness the variety of cutting edge conservation efforts being undertaken at the Chengdu Panda Reserve

The second, and most remote of the three sites, is the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness. primarily focusing on research, including breeding techniques and assimilation into the wild, this more isolated area of the reserve is located at foothills of the tibetan plateau. As one of the gateways into the giant panda national park, researchers here focus on pre-release training to acclimate juvenile pandas born in captivity prior to final release into the wild.

As part of the master planning process, Sasaki developed prototypes of shelters and display areas that balance privacy for the animals without limiting the visitor experience. Strategies include non-intrusive viewing platforms and secluded areas for animals to retreat.

The Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness focuses on research on breeding techniques and pre-release training of juvenile pandas into the wild

A main entrance at the foothills of the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness provides multiple routes to different destinations including the international panda research forum, environmental education camps, and eco-tourism experiences including mountain bike and hiking trails

At the foothills of the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness, visitors can relax and enjoy the tranquil agricultural landscape and learn about Chengdu’s ancient culture and acclaimed cuisine

The Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness traverses four distinct valleys, each programmed based on its unique natural setting, educational focus, and cultural amenities
A main entrance at the foothills of the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness provides multiple routes to different destinations including the international panda research forum, environmental education camps, and eco-tourism experiences including mountain bike and hiking trails
At the foothills of the Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness, visitors can relax and enjoy the tranquil agricultural landscape and learn about Chengdu’s ancient culture and acclaimed cuisine
The Dujiangyan Panda Wilderness traverses four distinct valleys, each programmed based on its unique natural setting, educational focus, and cultural amenities

Designed to mimic elements of the giant panda’s natural habitat, enclosures maximize the benefits of the site’s microclimate to create an immersive educational experience

The third site, Longquanshan Panda Village, is located near Chengdu’s new airport and provides an abbreviated glimpse into conservation efforts and highlights Chengdu’s distinctive culture. This gateway into the city will provide an educational overview of the region’s history, food, and wildlife, including the prized native panda.

The Longquanshan Panda Village, located near Chengdu’s new international airport, provides a curated experience where visitors can experience the culture of Sichuan Province, learn about the science behind the resurgence of the giant panda, and explore a bamboo forest ecosystem

“In the education centre visitors learn about pandas” daily lives and habits
The Longquanshan Panda Village, located near Chengdu’s new international airport, provides a curated experience where visitors can experience the culture of Sichuan Province, learn about the science behind the resurgence of the giant panda, and explore a bamboo forest ecosystem
“In the education centre visitors learn about pandas” daily lives and habits

Sasaki beat out 98 other contenders with a plan that balances smart urbanism and thoughtful conservation

To enhance the visitor experience, Sasaki developed PandaQuest—an educational app that allows visitors to explore the three sites and learn about pandas and their habitat with an interactive game. Wildlife enthusiasts around the world can also connect with the Reserve via the app.