Center Street District
Broomfield, CO
Early concepts for Wynkoop Street revolved around creating a dynamic and varied experience along the length of the street. To achieve this, Sasaki established four zones for the street that each have a unique character. The Interactive Zone would focus on “spill-out spaces” that allow dining and art to extend into the street right-of-way. The Educational Zone would include art and pop-up activities that could engage the community about the culture and ecology of the area. The Responsive Zone would focus especially on storm-water with interactive art that tracks and responds to water collection in swales and bioretention areas. Finally, the Pedestrian Zone would be a shared street, where people walking and cycling would be prioritized over vehicular traffic.
To tie the street together, the design focuses on a continuous planting strategy, consistent planters with chamfered edges, and sandblasted concrete patterning that would extend the full length of Wynkoop Street.
As a festival street, Chestnut Place needed to have it’s own unique character specific to the area. Historically, steelworking, extrusion, and neon manufacturing took place along Chestnut. These character influences were rolled into the custom furnishings proposed for the street. Corten gateways, light poles with water-jetted RiNo logos, and custom extruded benches were proposed as part of the this package. In a addition to the custom furnishings, seasonally rotating sculptures, rolling art studios, flexible cafe spaces, and temporary street murals were proposed to give Chestnut Place the most energetic and RiNo-centric vibe possible.
作为RiNo艺术区的一条次级道路,三十六街不仅满足通行需求,同时街道内开放的种植槽可收集地表径流,并使其最终汇入南普拉特河。 街道种植设计秉承“艺术区原生自然”的种植理念,选种丰富,且满足大丹佛地区绿色基础设施导则的要求。艺术元素也融入露骨料混凝土小径上。
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Anna Cawrse.