Economic resilience and ecological restoration fell hand-in-hand—the success of one goal relied on the success of the other at Gulf State Park
Gulf State Park Master Plan expands environmental education, overnight accommodations, and outdoor recreation while enhancing environmental sustainability and resilience
The master plan provided a roadmap to achieve a bold vision, transforming the park into an international sustainable tourism destination and improving Alabama’s national reputation. Many of the first and second phase improvements are now complete or in progress.
The Gulf State Park Master Plan and its implementation demonstrate the power of planning to effect positive change
Home to the federally-endangered Alabama Beach Mouse and an important flyway stopover, Gulf State Park is a critical environmental resource encompassing a diversity of ecosystems
The team engaged with more than 3,000 residents and park visitors, including feedback from all 67 counties in Alabama and 34 states
Developing a park brand that represented the diversity of the park as well as the core elements of the vision was a critical first step. Deployed throughout the park, the brand is now a recognizable and defining feature of the experience.
The master plan envisioned an interpretive center that would celebrate a healthy and dynamic dune system and teach park visitors about the park’s diverse ecosystems
A tall engineered berm blocked natural sand movement. Five cuts were made in strategic locations, allowing sand to move naturally and restoring secondary and tertiary dunes.
Implemented dune restoration projects are helping to grow healthy dunes that provide important habitat while protecting the park and surrounding community from storm events
The master plan envisioned an interpretive center that would celebrate a healthy and dynamic dune system and teach park visitors about the park’s diverse ecosystems
A tall engineered berm blocked natural sand movement. Five cuts were made in strategic locations, allowing sand to move naturally and restoring secondary and tertiary dunes.
Implemented dune restoration projects are helping to grow healthy dunes that provide important habitat while protecting the park and surrounding community from storm events
Parking once to explore via bike and foot was an important theme of the master plan vision
The park has already implemented many of the phase 1 and 2 improvements of the master plan
The new trail system reveals and connects some of the park’s most beautiful moments
An expanded trail network includes 15 miles of new trails and 2 pedestrian bridges over a major beachfront state road, making it possible to travel between all major park destinations by bicycle or by foot
The new Gulf State Park Interpretive Center is on track to be one of just 21 certified Living Buildings in the world, demonstrating innovative best practices in sustainable development
The Interpretive Center and the Lodge occupy formerly developed sites within a gulf dune system, but maintain a buffer from the primary dune to allow for dynamic dune growth over time
Although the interpretive center building sits high above the floodplain, accessible moments within the center allow for interpretation of the site’s growing dune system
Swing benches at the beach plaza allow visitors to take a shady pause from their adventures through the park
As the first hospitality building to certify as both SITES and LEED Platinum, the Lodge welcomes visitors to a unique experience of sustainable tourism at the edge of the Gulf
Future enhancements include converting the Golf Course to a “Park Adventure Launch.” The existing Golf Course was struggling financially and was closed in December 2018.
Sasaki led the master plan including the engagement process, designed the new park branding, and completed landscape design for the Lodge, Interpretive Center, and Learning Campus. Sasaki was also engaged for on-call planning support through implementation to advise as issues arose and to support with implementation progress. The results of the project show how an interdisciplinary approach to the project support faster, more integrated implementation. Sasaki’s team included planners, landscape architects, civil engineering, graphic designers, and computer programmers and data analysts (who developed SmartPark 1.0, a park revenue tool, for this project).
Economic resilience and ecological restoration fell hand-in-hand—the success of one goal relied on the success of the other at Gulf State Park
“Environmental leader” has not been a phrase many would use to describe Alabama. Now, thanks to Sasaki's work on Gulf State Park, it will.