Zero Net Energy Without Adding Zeros to Cost
Reaching an ambitious sustainability goal at Bristol Community College
The Sbrega Building frames a new campus green and is responsive to the architectural context of campus, which was built in 1965 and is predominantly composed of two-story brick buildings
The building transforms a pedestrian path into an interior concourse (atrium) and covered walkway (arcade)
The arcade runs along the east side of the building and faces a campus lawn strengthening the connection between the building and landscape
The 50,600-square-foot building is highlighted by an atrium that connects labs and serves as a “learning commons.” Achieving zero-net-energy in this building did not impact its $31.5 million construction budget
Teaching spaces are located around a shared atrium, or student living room, which addresses a shortage of student-oriented study and hangout space on campus, and also creates a continuous inside/outside pedestrian path from the edge to the center of campus
The open monumental stair is highlighted as the main means of circulation, decreasing the use of the elevator
Glazing was optimized and the exterior envelope was designed to high performance standards while also allowing for natural ventilation for the building
Instructional labs are located around the perimeter of the atrium. The interior walls are glazed allowing for daylight to penetrate the labs and for a visual connection to the classroom—putting “learning on display”.
In shoulder seasons given the right weather conditions, significant portions of the building can be naturally ventilated using a combination of automated and manual operations informed by the building management system. The materials and exposed structural systems are inspired by the old mill buildings of Fall River.
The two-story glazing on either end of the atrium provides a visual connection to the campus and also allows for ample daylighting
The open monumental stair is highlighted as the main means of circulation, decreasing the use of the elevator
Glazing was optimized and the exterior envelope was designed to high performance standards while also allowing for natural ventilation for the building
Instructional labs are located around the perimeter of the atrium. The interior walls are glazed allowing for daylight to penetrate the labs and for a visual connection to the classroom—putting “learning on display”.
In shoulder seasons given the right weather conditions, significant portions of the building can be naturally ventilated using a combination of automated and manual operations informed by the building management system. The materials and exposed structural systems are inspired by the old mill buildings of Fall River.
The two-story glazing on either end of the atrium provides a visual connection to the campus and also allows for ample daylighting
项目因资金筹集需要曾一度在2012年暂停。虽然如此,作为《美国学院与大学校长气候承诺》(ACUPCC)的签署方,校方一直不遗余力推行各种措施,包括着手在校园建设产能达3.2兆瓦的光伏列阵,务求在2050年之前实现《承诺》中的碳中和目标。然而,原来以“高效能”为本的设计方案却需要利用50%的光伏列阵以及足够的天然气来为200户供暖,这种能源模型无法让校方按时实现上述减排目标。在这样的背景下,设计团队重新进行评估,建议校方投资发展“零碳设计(Zero Net Energy)”,意图通过在基地现场产生可再生能源来平衡全年的能耗。尽管策略已经成型,我们接下来要解决的便是在类似建成案例少之又少的情况下,在寒冷的气候下为能源需求庞大的建筑项目实现零碳设计。
A combination of strategies including ventilation, architectural/lighting, heating and cooling all helped the building achieve its ZNE goal without increasing the budget
A ground-source heat pump system heats and cools the building by using the geothermal ground loop as a heat source in the winter and heat sink in the summer
Sasaki worked in tandem with civil engineers to create a stormwater system that reduces the quantity of runoff directed to the municipal water sewer while increasing the quality of water through the use of planted basins that filter particulates
Stormwater management plan
The stormwater design is fully integrated through a connected series of skillfully planted infiltration basins that offer new habitat spaces while hearkening back to the existing stormwater design of moats and drainage-ways seen throughout campus
Pedestrians are guided along a new network of paths, gardens, and stopping points in the landscape
Bioretention areas are planted with perennials and are designed to sit adjacent to walkways and plazas so that students, employees, and visitors can interact with this efficient stormwater system
Rain garden
Roof water is directed to lush bioretention areas planted with native forbs, perennials, and trees
Bristol Community College John J. Sbrega Health and Science Building is the first zero net energy (ZNE) academic science building in the Northeast United States
Walkway with no-mow area
The stormwater design is fully integrated through a connected series of skillfully planted infiltration basins that offer new habitat spaces while hearkening back to the existing stormwater design of moats and drainage-ways seen throughout campus
Pedestrians are guided along a new network of paths, gardens, and stopping points in the landscape
Bioretention areas are planted with perennials and are designed to sit adjacent to walkways and plazas so that students, employees, and visitors can interact with this efficient stormwater system
Rain garden
Roof water is directed to lush bioretention areas planted with native forbs, perennials, and trees
Bristol Community College John J. Sbrega Health and Science Building is the first zero net energy (ZNE) academic science building in the Northeast United States
Walkway with no-mow area
The project replaced outmoded labs with a hands-on learning environment and establishes a new sustainable model for lab buildings
Glass walls separate labs from the atrium. The glass is partly opaque, and can be used as whiteboards, and partly clear, to allow views into the labs—putting science on display.
Hands-on training facilities serve the growing need for integration of experiential learning into health science education
The Nursing Lab features 10 clinical beds with mannequins spanning the perimeter of the lab with flexible furniture in the center to support prep and debriefs before and after hands-on clinical sessions
Clinical Laboratory Sciences is set up as a biology lab for handling of bodily fluids, pathogens, fungi, and molds, and also accommodating phlebotomy chairs so students can learn blood draw technique
The southern wing of the first floor houses leading-edge educational spaces for Dental Hygiene as well as a Community Clinic. Outfitted with 16 dental hygiene operatories, the Dental Hygiene Operatory Lab supports contemporary hands-on Dental Hygiene education.
Light colored ceilings in the instructional labs reflect light throughout the space
Every lab (other than the Dental Hygiene Teaching Clinic, which is subject to HIPAA regulations) is configured so that there are views from the atrium into the labs
Hands-on training facilities serve the growing need for integration of experiential learning into health science education
The Nursing Lab features 10 clinical beds with mannequins spanning the perimeter of the lab with flexible furniture in the center to support prep and debriefs before and after hands-on clinical sessions
Clinical Laboratory Sciences is set up as a biology lab for handling of bodily fluids, pathogens, fungi, and molds, and also accommodating phlebotomy chairs so students can learn blood draw technique
The southern wing of the first floor houses leading-edge educational spaces for Dental Hygiene as well as a Community Clinic. Outfitted with 16 dental hygiene operatories, the Dental Hygiene Operatory Lab supports contemporary hands-on Dental Hygiene education.
Light colored ceilings in the instructional labs reflect light throughout the space
Every lab (other than the Dental Hygiene Teaching Clinic, which is subject to HIPAA regulations) is configured so that there are views from the atrium into the labs
Through various design & utility interventions, the building was able to achieve Zero Net Energy without increasing the budget on the project—serving as an important benchmark for future campus development and a model for other institutions
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Fiske Crowell.