Today, as Afghanistan looks forward to the 21st century, the vision for Kabul's future considers physical investments and social capital as part of the same effort to realize the promise of this young democracy
Under the leadership of President Ashraf Ghani and the Afghan Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Dar ul-Aman and Massoud Boulevards are envisioned as a demonstration to the world of what is possible in Kabul, becoming engines of urban and social regeneration.
As part of a robust Bus Rapid Transit Network, these boulevards will play a critical role in delivering infrastructure to the city while coordinating new development opportunities with 21st urban mobility. The corridor districts plan was developed in conjunction with a Citywide Framework for Kabul. Together, they establish a vision and a roadmap for transforming the city into a model of sustainable, equitable, and resilient development, covering a range of issues that are shaping Kabul’s form today: infrastructure, housing, mobility, and sustainability. It also reaches beyond traditional themes of physical design to cover topics particularly relevant to the physical and social fabric of the city today: women in Kabul, higher education, and cultural conservation.
This vision for Kabul recognizes Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage while looking to the future. It captures the symbolic power of the city while clearly defining the elements that will bring regeneration and investment to Kabul as a whole.
Dar ul-aman and massoud roads were chosen to be the testing ground for corridor regeneration strategies
Both Dar ul-Aman and Massoud Roads have strong symbolic power in the city and have in recent years consistently received private investment. However, the lack of a coordinated effort between public and private entities have led to a degraded public realm environment.
Dar ul-Aman Corridor will become a civic corridor symbolic of both the history and the future of Kabul. It builds on assets like Dar ul-Aman Palace (currently under renovation) and the Mughal gardens of Bagh-e Babur, while also reflecting the active street life that defines the city’s public realm. At the same time, it also looks to the future in which development and new open spaces restore the grandeur and promise originally envisioned for this part of Southern Kabul.
Development nodes organized around transit stations propose specific programmatic and public realm strategies that create distinct regeneration opportunities along the boulevard
New road connections east and west of the corridor will improve access to transit and services to surrounding communities
The streetscape emphasizes universal accessibility and is designed for the careful integration of transit and bike lanes with the public realm. A series of urban design guidelines ensure buildings and landscape work together to support Kabul’s vibrant street life culture.
The Framework identifies strategic corridors to establish a bus rapid transit system and improve the public realm along these networks through Complete Streets design and new redevelopment projects
The built environment along Dar ul-Aman Boulevard helped establish three distinct character zones and urban design strategies
Publicly owned parcels provide social housing and improved infrastructure to informal neighborhoods beyond the immediate boulevard
The framework also establishes the key linkages from the proposed urban park to the BRT Station
Bagh-e Kabul is a stage for deeper reflections of Afghan history and culture
From the Gardens of Babur to Amanullah’s reform vision of the early 20th century, it captures the aspirations of a youthful democracy
The built environment along Dar ul-Aman Boulevard helped establish three distinct character zones and urban design strategies
Publicly owned parcels provide social housing and improved infrastructure to informal neighborhoods beyond the immediate boulevard
The framework also establishes the key linkages from the proposed urban park to the BRT Station
Bagh-e Kabul is a stage for deeper reflections of Afghan history and culture
From the Gardens of Babur to Amanullah’s reform vision of the early 20th century, it captures the aspirations of a youthful democracy
Along the kabul river, the framework sets up a series of riverfront development parcels that engage with both Dar ul-Aman boulevard and an active corniche
Coordinated private development will help finance the implementation of public spaces
The Bagh-e Kabul Park establishes a continuous riparian buffer along the Kabul and Paghman Rivers
Corridors carry the primary infrastructure trunk lines that feed lateral connections deep into their associated neighborhoods through an armature of smaller scale streets
The Urban Design Framework proposes a 21st century infrastructure model for Kabul. This model is holistic, integrated and circular, focusing on resource conservation and nutrient recovery.
The Bagh-e Kabul Park establishes a continuous riparian buffer along the Kabul and Paghman Rivers
Corridors carry the primary infrastructure trunk lines that feed lateral connections deep into their associated neighborhoods through an armature of smaller scale streets
The Urban Design Framework proposes a 21st century infrastructure model for Kabul. This model is holistic, integrated and circular, focusing on resource conservation and nutrient recovery.
The Bazaar Node leverages publicly owned parcels to provide social housing and improved infrastructure to organic neighborhoods beyond the immediate study area. A Pedestrian Spine lined with ground-level retail draws inspiration from the Bazaars of Kabul.
The retail spine allows the community to filter through the development on their way to the Dar ul-Aman Boulevard BRT station
Urban Design Guidelines and Development Strategies
Reinforcing the civic identity of the area around Dar ul-Aman Palace
The public realm and landscape creates a memorable approach to the restored Dar ul-Aman Palace
Connected to transit and with remarkable views of Dar ul-Aman Palace, the new National Library embodies Amanullah’s vision for a democratic and civic district
Reinforcing the civic identity of the area around Dar ul-Aman Palace
The public realm and landscape creates a memorable approach to the restored Dar ul-Aman Palace
Connected to transit and with remarkable views of Dar ul-Aman Palace, the new National Library embodies Amanullah’s vision for a democratic and civic district
A civic spine is framed by new government buildings and connects the Dar ul-Aman and Tajbeg Palaces. The reuse of the Tajbeg Palace and grounds as the Afghan Natural History Museum and National Botanic Garden will showcase the diverse and stunning landscape heritage of Afghanistan.
The new park, with the Dar ul-Aman Palace and regional mountain ranges as a backdrop, is an iconic venue for civic celebrations
Massoud Corridor is the other focus of this effort, serving as the gateway to Kabul and Afghanistan. In this role, it shows what the emerging economies of Kabul will become, from medical sciences and entrepreneurship to markets and trade. It also serves as a model for how these economies can regenerate the informally developed neighborhoods of the city.
The regeneration of Massoud Boulevard will provide transit connectivity, infrastructure, an improved public realm and coordinated private investment
The medical cluster is part of a citywide strategy to expand access to higher education in Kabul
The Medical Cluster builds on the concentration of health facilities along Massoud Boulevard and will be a catalyst for the urban and social regeneration of its surrounding context
Relationships between educational institutions and the private sector will spur collaboration and research funding, fomenting new economies in Afghanistan
In the hillside settlement of Bibi Mahru, adjacent to the medical cluster, new social housing, community services and open space contribute to the regeneration of the neighborhood
A holistic approach to social housing advances quality of life in Bibi Mahru by integrating community services such as water distribution pumps, public washrooms, recreation amenities and neighborhood reta
Ecological regeneration and delivery of infrastructure are a critical component of Bibi Mahru’s integrated neighborhood upgrade initiative
A new market ensures the supply of affordable produce and products to Bibi Mahru and is part of a citywide effort to preserve strong linkages to regional agrarian production and traditions
The careful integration of ground floor uses to social housing draws inspiration from the vibrant, bazaar-like quality of informally developed neighborhoods in Kabul
Relationships between educational institutions and the private sector will spur collaboration and research funding, fomenting new economies in Afghanistan
In the hillside settlement of Bibi Mahru, adjacent to the medical cluster, new social housing, community services and open space contribute to the regeneration of the neighborhood
A holistic approach to social housing advances quality of life in Bibi Mahru by integrating community services such as water distribution pumps, public washrooms, recreation amenities and neighborhood reta
Ecological regeneration and delivery of infrastructure are a critical component of Bibi Mahru’s integrated neighborhood upgrade initiative
A new market ensures the supply of affordable produce and products to Bibi Mahru and is part of a citywide effort to preserve strong linkages to regional agrarian production and traditions
The careful integration of ground floor uses to social housing draws inspiration from the vibrant, bazaar-like quality of informally developed neighborhoods in Kabul
Directly originated from our research, a proposed citywide network of urban amenities dedicated to women is a key component of this framework. Bibi Mahru will serve as a prototype for the future expansion.
A series of Development Nodes take advantage of under-utilized public land. Integration of Bus Rapid Transit stops further catalyze investment.
Concept Strategy for a mixed-use Development Node, with higher density allocated in close proximity to BRT transit hubs
A series of Development Nodes take advantage of under-utilized public land. Integration of Bus Rapid Transit stops further catalyze investment.
Concept Strategy for a mixed-use Development Node, with higher density allocated in close proximity to BRT transit hubs
Development Node on Massoud Boulevard
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