顶尖校园再升级! 哈佛大学新校区及艺术实验室“ArtLab”
Helping Harvard University evolve its Allston campus on the other side of the Charles River
The lab is a temporary, experimental arts hub that can be used by college students and teachers, as well as visiting artists and the wider community
Sasaki 与建筑事务所Barkow Leibinger共同为哈佛大学设计了全新的艺术实验室“ArtLab”。位于哈佛大学奥尔斯顿校区的ArtLab占地830多平方米,是为学生、教师、客座艺术家和广泛社区而设的跨学科艺术空间,其简约的设计让使用者能够按不同目的自由策展及利用。建筑物的诞生不仅为校园注入崭新气氛,更为各种艺术活动带来发展空间。
A mixture of glass and white polycarbonate panels–some of which are transparent to create the glowing effect–clads the entire structure to give a homogeneous appearance
The final design features a simple aesthetic for the interiors of the 9,000-square-foot (836-square-metre) building to create a backdrop suitable for a range of activities
建筑物所呈现的轻工业风格与它的用途和设计概念毫无违和。ArtLab的所在地不受遮挡且拥有开敞的视线,因此行人能轻易地经过此地“抄小路”往来北哈佛街(North Harvard Street)与学术大道(Academic Way)。在北哈佛街上,建筑物俨如灯塔般引人注目,引导着河道对岸古老的剑桥校园人潮来到新兴的奥尔斯顿社区。 名为“ArtYard”的公共艺术空间位于建筑物外的露天位置,在这里使用者能制作艺术品或者进行实验。这些户外空间沿着风车状的建筑体量延伸而成,形态和大小各有不同。
The building sits on an open and porous site that encourages pedestrians to use it as a passthrough
项目以轻质钢柱以及架设于基层混凝土板上的开放式钢网桁架建造,符合麻州的高能效标准。外框以机械方式组装,使其组件的装拆过程简单快捷,因此未来若要将建筑物转移至另一场地重建也非难事。钢框由透明隔热玻璃和轻质高耐热聚碳酸酯板包覆,这些透光程度不同的面板使ArtLab日夜形态各异其趣:白天时营造出漫射日光,街景从室内清晰可见,入夜后,建筑物则成为发光的“灯箱”。 项目的选料方案以建筑物的短期使用为前提之下,成功为艺术创作提供了既充满生机又灵活的使用空间。为达到净零碳设计的目的,整个场地通过屋顶的太阳能光伏组件发电,完全无需依赖化石燃料。
Four of the blocks house studios, workshops and media spaces, and are arranged a larger volume occupied by the main common area called the Hub
The translucent panels run along the top of some of the studios to form clerestory windows that gently filter in natural light. Large glass windows puncture the walls of spaces like meeting rooms and offices to offer views outside.
Ancillary spaces include recording studios, sound-editing stations and rooms for rehearsal, improvisation to support these activities
Inside, large sliding partitions wrapping the Hub open up to adjoining areas to create larger spaces for performances and exhibitions
The exposed ceiling structure is painted white to match the polycarbonate walls, while the floors are polished concrete
The building is comprised of five volumes constructed from lightweight steel columns and open web steel trusses, which are are mechanically fastened so they can be easily taken a part
Ancillary spaces include recording studios, sound-editing stations and rooms for rehearsal, improvisation to support these activities
Inside, large sliding partitions wrapping the Hub open up to adjoining areas to create larger spaces for performances and exhibitions
The exposed ceiling structure is painted white to match the polycarbonate walls, while the floors are polished concrete
The building is comprised of five volumes constructed from lightweight steel columns and open web steel trusses, which are are mechanically fastened so they can be easily taken a part