
The Boston Research Advisory Group reviewed the latest climate science and found the city could experience 36 inches of sea level rise as early as the 2070s
《波士顿气候变化应对策略(Climate Ready Boston)》 是一份针对沿海及沿河地区泛滥、洪涝灾害与极端天气而提出应对措施的报告书。这份路线图将引领波士顿成为一个更强而有力、且能抵御气候变化的城市,当中所列策略旨在减轻未来环境变化而引起的种种风险,更重要的是点出了投资在气候变化抵御措施所带来的多种好处——缓解灾害风险,对创造美好的城市生活大有裨益;这样一来,抗灾措施将成为促进社会平等和经济发展的工具,有助于缔造健康生活方式,重现更多绿色空间。

Climate Ready Boston offers many dynamic adaptive solutions to climate change, like creating protective and floodable waterfront parks
有鉴于此,《波士顿气候变化应对策略》以长远的气候变化为前提,引导波士顿作出具有抗灾力的城市发展。《策略》分为三大部分:“气候项目共识”,此部分由波士顿研究咨询小组(Boston Research Advisory Group)进行;“灾害影响评估”;及“抗灾计划”。完整报告由工程咨询公司凯迪思(Arcadis)、Sasaki、顾问公司HR&A以及麻州大学波士顿分校所组成的跨专业团队于2016年12月完成并发表。

Climate risks like flooding continue to affect Boston communities

To mitigate the effects of increased greenhouse gas emissions, we need to act now

The climate resilience initiatives have been organized into four layers and eleven strategies. The layers represent an approach to building resilience at different scales: the community, the shoreline, infrastructure assets, and buildings. The layers are designed to support and reinforce each other.
在广泛层面,Sasaki也为《策略》制定了品牌概念和相关平面设计元素。颜色搭配、项目标识和整体平面设计风格,赋予人们正面乐观的信息,也鼓舞大家把气候变化应对措施视为缔造美好城市的契机。由 Sasaki设计的一系列项目地图和图表,旨在以简单易懂的方式,把繁复的意念向广大受众清晰传达。

The Social Vulnerability Analysis demonstrates how climate change will disproportionately impact Boston’s vulnerable residents. The plan analyzed vulnerabilities, risks, and strategies for seven types of vulnerable populations.

The plan defines social vulnerability as the social groups disproportionately susceptible to the impacts of hazards, including death, injury, loss, or disruption of livelihood

Without action, today’s 100-year floodplain will become exposed to high tide flooding at least once a month by the 2070s

Projections for sea level rise based on various emission scenarios

Annualized losses due to flooding are projected to increase steeply

By the end of the century, areas exposed to flooding from coastal storms will more than triple
Projections for sea level rise based on various emission scenarios
Annualized losses due to flooding are projected to increase steeply
By the end of the century, areas exposed to flooding from coastal storms will more than triple
《波士顿气候变化应对策略》由波士顿市政府领导,绿丝带委员会(Green Ribbon Commission)协同参与,并由国家海岸地区管理部麻州办事处提供协助。请浏览波士顿市政府网站查阅报告书完整内容: https://www.boston.gov/departments/environment/climate-ready-boston

Buildings in these areas will be severely impacted by flooding

East Boston has the most land area of all Boston neighborhoods exposed to coastal storms in the coming decades. The East Boston Greenway, Maverick Square, and the Sumner and Callahan Tunnels will be exposed the most.