
Las Salinas redefines development practices in Chile by transcending the boundaries of the site and revitalizing a brownfield condition into a 21st century sustainable district. The regeneration of the local ecology and re-engagement of the community to its seafront with new public spaces will have a lasting legacy in contemporary Chilean urbanism.

The site is not far from the heart of downtown and sits along a prime stretch of waterfront

Transformation: before and after. Las Salinas is the third project in the world to have met or exceeded the v4 LEED ND Gold standard and the first in the Americas.

Through a series of Urban Dialogues, co-creation meetings that included activists, city officials, artists, academics etc, the design team exchanged ideas and engaged in systematic thinking on how to improve the quality of life in the city

Site and city context

A new Community Center will serve the broader community with access to recreation amenities and other social spaces

A Civic Gesture: The Central Park facing the Pacific Ocean is a civic gesture for the city and a return for the city and a return to Viña’s legacy of memorable public spaces

Engaging with Surrounding Communities: At the hilltop, a new Community Center connected to a public elevator provides a direct pedestrian linke to the sea, while creating a new activity hub for the Santa Inés Neighborhood

The framework creates new connections to the sea, re-engaging hillside neighborhoods that have historically been cut-off from the coast

A verdant and functional public realm network ties together the district and its urban context

Visual and physical connections from the inland communities to the sea are a key driver for the plan

Diverse program uses draw the community to the coast

A fully accessible and interconnected public realm network promotes greater social integration among Viñamarinos. A pedestrian spine and regenerated ravine trail draws the Santa Inés community to a new public park on the Pacific Ocean coastline.

A network of verdant public spaces
The framework creates new connections to the sea, re-engaging hillside neighborhoods that have historically been cut-off from the coast
A verdant and functional public realm network ties together the district and its urban context
Visual and physical connections from the inland communities to the sea are a key driver for the plan
Diverse program uses draw the community to the coast
A fully accessible and interconnected public realm network promotes greater social integration among Viñamarinos. A pedestrian spine and regenerated ravine trail draws the Santa Inés community to a new public park on the Pacific Ocean coastline.
A network of verdant public spaces

Largely ignored by recent development, the deterioration of ravines and river corridors have undermined the historic garden city quality of Viña. At Las Salinas, the 19N ravine presents a unique regenerative opportunity.

Ecological urbanism

Regeneration of the ravine landscape

The regenerated 19 Norte ravine and community path restores a vital ecological system at the site while showcasing the benefits of a working landscape

The regeneration of the ravine corridor extends through the neighborhood street and brings the energy of the Ladera (hillside) to the heart of the community
Largely ignored by recent development, the deterioration of ravines and river corridors have undermined the historic garden city quality of Viña. At Las Salinas, the 19N ravine presents a unique regenerative opportunity.
Ecological urbanism
Regeneration of the ravine landscape
The regenerated 19 Norte ravine and community path restores a vital ecological system at the site while showcasing the benefits of a working landscape
The regeneration of the ravine corridor extends through the neighborhood street and brings the energy of the Ladera (hillside) to the heart of the community

Diversity of vegetation

In-depth research of the Chilean coastal landscape informed strategies to regenerate the site’s ecological function and essential services

A system of Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones provides strong connectivity between the escarpment and coastal habitat nodes

The Ladera (hillside) habitat is drawn into the neighborhood by a continuous tree canopy along Libertad Avenue. Green roofs and courtyards function as stepping stones between the escarpment and coastal landscape.

Streets as ecological corridors

Street as corridors for habitat connectivity and ecological function
Diversity of vegetation
In-depth research of the Chilean coastal landscape informed strategies to regenerate the site’s ecological function and essential services
A system of Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones provides strong connectivity between the escarpment and coastal habitat nodes
The Ladera (hillside) habitat is drawn into the neighborhood by a continuous tree canopy along Libertad Avenue. Green roofs and courtyards function as stepping stones between the escarpment and coastal landscape.
Streets as ecological corridors
Street as corridors for habitat connectivity and ecological function

The landscape framework represents a departure from formal and monocultural boulevards by creating a biodiverse tree canopy

Sasaki’s multilayered approach to form and function takes into account connectivity and resilience of site systems, which in turn regulate stormwater, nutrients, carbon, microclimate, pollination, and species dispersal

Climate change has led to a dramatic reduction in rainfall in coastal Chile. Water-sensitive design strategies reduce potable water demand, increase rainfall infiltration, and prevent saltwater intrusion of the coastal aquifer.

Orientation of buildings create a highly energy efficient urban form while design guidelines define performance parameters for future development. An energy monitoring system will be implemented at the district level to promote behavioral shifts for energy savings.

Pedestrian-oriented public realm

Community, neighborhood, and connectivity

Compact and mixed use development

Sustainable mobility options
Sasaki’s multilayered approach to form and function takes into account connectivity and resilience of site systems, which in turn regulate stormwater, nutrients, carbon, microclimate, pollination, and species dispersal
Climate change has led to a dramatic reduction in rainfall in coastal Chile. Water-sensitive design strategies reduce potable water demand, increase rainfall infiltration, and prevent saltwater intrusion of the coastal aquifer.
Orientation of buildings create a highly energy efficient urban form while design guidelines define performance parameters for future development. An energy monitoring system will be implemented at the district level to promote behavioral shifts for energy savings.
Pedestrian-oriented public realm
Community, neighborhood, and connectivity
Compact and mixed use development
Sustainable mobility options
借由绿意盎然、功能实用的公共空间网络,开发区与周边的城市环境无缝连接。与自由大道(Libertad Avenue)并排的长方形公园可以让人们尽情享受公共空间带来的乐趣。公园不但通过各种游戏空间和阶梯式座席提供多元化的休闲方式,也化身别具特色的过渡区域,将行人从周边的居民导向街区的中心活动地带。

A park is envisioned as a social connector

Public uses along the waterfront democratize access for communities long-separated from the water’s edge

An exploded diagram of spaces designed for social integration

Framed by retail and cultural uses, the Central Park is able to host a range of civic activities that bring together the community of Viña. Cascading terraces create a neighborhood resilient to coastal storm surges.

Mixed-use block typologies

Program at the street level
Public uses along the waterfront democratize access for communities long-separated from the water’s edge
An exploded diagram of spaces designed for social integration
Framed by retail and cultural uses, the Central Park is able to host a range of civic activities that bring together the community of Viña. Cascading terraces create a neighborhood resilient to coastal storm surges.
Mixed-use block typologies
Program at the street level

Plan detail

Street design

Las Salinas is redefining the trajectory of Viña, re-engaging the city with its social and ecological context
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 丹尼斯・派普斯.