Recasting the "vision plan" as a storytelling exercise to get community members of all ages and backgrounds invested in the future of Denver's High Line Canal
A key element of the Vision Plan was the formation of five “character zones” for the Canal—promoting new ways of celebrating the Canal’s diverse experiences
高线运河社区愿景规划从前瞻性角度对科罗拉多州芬兹山脉(Front Range)中一条备受欢迎的区域绿道提出保护与优化策略。从洛基山脉的山麓小丘到一望无际的大草原,全长近115公里的高线运河流经不同风景地貌,把区域中数以千计居民的生活连系起来,规划方案的开展,让参与者有机会集思广益,深思河道的前景,开拓美满丰盛的将来。
十九世纪末,以人工方式开挖的运河原意是把南普拉特河(South Platte River)的河水引入附近农地,以提供灌溉用水,但时至今天,依赖此原有功能的用水户已大大减少,河道的休闲功能反而更突出,在沿岸地方散步、跑步、骑自行车或骑马的人每年有超过五十万。随着大丹佛地区的人口急速膨胀,区域特质越来越多元化,水资源也变得弥足珍贵;作为负责任的自然资源管理者,我们有必要与时俱进,为高线运河构思出路。
The 71-mile Canal is a beloved natural refuge for the growing Denver region, yet it faces an uncertain future because existing water resources are not sustainable
高线运河的最大挑战所在,就是水源本身。这条运河之所以受人爱戴,无非因为那里轻松闲适的氛围,人们可以在自然环境中享受片刻宁静,要延续这种自然气息,同时支撑起周边的生态系统, 河道的水量就必须充足。不过,种种因素例如区域水文条件和气候的变化,水权的新旧更替,用水户减少,还有蒸发率和渗漏率上升等等,都使这条人造运河的河水量一天比一天地少。在付费用水户取得河水之前,超过七成的河水早已被蒸发或渗漏流走,可见在讲究节水的这年头,以运河作为供水路线已不合时宜。因此,项目所探讨的是以保护河道的自然特质为前提的新型水资源管理方式。
Character zone 1: The Wild Canyon
Character zone 2: Rolling Foothills
Character zone 3: Wooded Village
Character zone 4: Urban Refuge
Character zone 5: Prairie Retreat
Character zone 1: The Wild Canyon
Character zone 2: Rolling Foothills
Character zone 3: Wooded Village
Character zone 4: Urban Refuge
Character zone 5: Prairie Retreat
Community input from 11 different jurisdictions shaped a common vision for the canal’s future
Engaging the next generation: Youth engagement—including all ages in open houses, stand-alone City as Play events, and an educators focus group—contributed to the vision
With more than 100 events in total, Adventure on the Canal included a diverse range of tactics to reach the Canal’s diverse communities and stakeholders
Five different strategies formed the building blocks of the implementation framework
Engaging the next generation: Youth engagement—including all ages in open houses, stand-alone City as Play events, and an educators focus group—contributed to the vision
With more than 100 events in total, Adventure on the Canal included a diverse range of tactics to reach the Canal’s diverse communities and stakeholders
Five different strategies formed the building blocks of the implementation framework
Branding the effort as a story—Adventure on the Canal—created a consistent message and helped the process feel more approachable than typical planning processes
The Canal touches multiple diverse communities; their common passion and commitment built this powerful Vision Plan, a transformational regional vision for the Canal’s future
Multijurisdictional cooperation: All 11 jurisdictions that the canal passes through have endorsed the vision plan. This is the first time in the canal’s history that all communities have come together to support a common vision.
Coloring pages provided a child-friendly version of the open house boards, and let the youngest meeting attendees take their own Canal journey