
Sunqiao promotes a new paradigm of urban life, integrating agricultural production with research and civic amenities to create a socially-engaged and playful experience

Infographic for Sunqiao Urban Agricultural District plans

Seeking an integrated approach to bolstering Shanghai’s agricultural production with new capacity

Located in Pudong District, midway between Shanghai’s main international airport and the city center, Sunqiao is one of the first comprehensive national agricultural zones in China approved by the central government
孙桥位于上海浦东国际机场和市中心之间,区内的农场以垂直方式发展,就好像跟上海的摩天大楼一样。传统农业生产模式在孙桥运营至今已有二十年,但随着上海政府锐意将该区拓展为城市的粮食集散地,目前的新规划方案着重整合一系列垂直农耕系统,并强调同步进行研究和公众宣传工作的必要性。预计在2017年动工的孙桥现代农业实践区将城市农耕呈现为一所能发挥创意和教育用途的“生活实验室”(living laboratory),营造全民参与、玩味十足的互动生活体验。

Overall framework perspective

Agriculture is woven into residential and commercial life

The overall framework

A highly interactive experience which merges new paradigms of production with public outreach

Canal Research Park integrate agriculture into a business district

After 20 years of successful agricultural production, the city is expanding the role of Sunqiao in its food web, repositioning it as an innovative new district focused on creating forward-looking platforms for advanced agricultural research, start-ups, and exhibition

Integration water treatment system

Modern greenhouse
After 20 years of successful agricultural production, the city is expanding the role of Sunqiao in its food web, repositioning it as an innovative new district focused on creating forward-looking platforms for advanced agricultural research, start-ups, and exhibition
Integration water treatment system
Modern greenhouse

The new urban canal walk

The plans envision a diverse waterfront experience

Integrated living system

Showcase corridor

The plan features a vast amount of public outdoor space
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 迈克尔・格罗福.