A new expansion nearly doubled the size of fitness and community space in the new Andover/North Andover YMCA
梅里马克河谷基督教青年会(Merrimack Valley YMCA)于1865年成立,成为基督教美国青年会的一部分,并自此致力服务于安多弗/北安多弗地区社群大众。随着安多弗/北安多弗分馆的改扩建工程的完成,当地及周边城镇的家庭和社群可获得更佳的社区服务。本项目为始建于上世纪六十年代的建筑进行全面改造,并将原设施面积翻倍,扩建超过10,000平方米的健身、水上运动和医疗保健设施。改扩建后的场地以全新形象彻底重塑基督教青年会的岗位和使命。
A welcoming entry is accented with natural light to introduce patrons to the new facility
A new two-story fitness zone integrates informal seating with a gracious stairway to the second floor
An open floor area allows for flexibility to adapt to changing trends in fitness
The weight and circuit training area has open views to the picturesque surrounding landscape
The cardio area looks into the recreation pool
The new recreation and lap pool
A new two-story fitness zone integrates informal seating with a gracious stairway to the second floor
An open floor area allows for flexibility to adapt to changing trends in fitness
The weight and circuit training area has open views to the picturesque surrounding landscape
The cardio area looks into the recreation pool
The new recreation and lap pool
Informal seating allows views into a fitness room
Circulation zones are intentionally generous to allow for a variety of seating and social spaces
View into the lap pool
The main circulation corridor connects the lobby zone to fitness rooms on the lower level
View from the lobby level to the fitness rooms below
Circulation zones are intentionally generous to allow for a variety of seating and social spaces
View into the lap pool
The main circulation corridor connects the lobby zone to fitness rooms on the lower level
View from the lobby level to the fitness rooms below
The renovated basketball court brings new life to this important community space
The donor wall recognizes the generous gifts which made this project happen
项目获得了社区的广泛赞誉,一名市民致函给《安多弗地区报》总编辑,形容改造后的安多弗/北安多弗会所是“梅里马克河谷的天赐之物… [也]是我在过去45年来见过最令人兴奋的社区项目,我很幸运生活在这样美好的市镇里。”随着安多弗/北安多弗分馆的落成启用,基督教青年会能有更好的机会推动青年发展工作、倡导健康生活模式以及履行其社会责任。
The new addition extends seamlessly from the renovated portion of the building, which has been upgraded with a new exterior material