
The master plan introduces a new waterfront park, the West Campus Green, for both the campus and broader community
本规划方案建基于校方与西雅图市政府在1998年签订的协议,为大学在西雅图校区和大学共用区(Major Institution Overlay)提供规划导引。Sasaki在2015年起启动项目工作,规划方案预计在2018年完成,届时将满足西雅图校区的发展需要。项目意图让华盛顿大学以高瞻远瞩、勇敢创新的态度进行长期的校园建设,并为下一个十年的规划愿景指导策略。

The University of Washington (UW) is comprised of three campuses. The Seattle campus includes its historic Central Campus, its medical district to the south, athletics and recreation facilities to the east, and its more recent investment in West Campus.

The plan aims to support and catalyze academic and teaching research partnerships with allied industries, contribute to a highly livable innovation district, and stimulate job growth and economic development

The master plan situated a 10-year conceptual plan within a longer term development framework for the campus

The public realm framework for the plan built upon the existing radial axes of the campus and forged new connections to the waterfront

The plan extends UW’s commitment to better connect the University internally and with its broader context

The university includes 2.25 miles of continuous waterfront. The master plan includes a proposed shoreline activation strategy and waterfront trail

The majority of the university’s future growth will occur in the West Campus, which converts lowrise development and surface parking lots into a dense innovation district that steps down in height as you move toward the water

Brooklyn Avenue serves as the spine through the West Campus and is repositioned as a complete green street

The public realm strategy for the Central Campus retains the existing historic open space structure, introduces development along the periphery, and makes the edges more porous

In the life of the plan the South Campus gets largely redeveloped as a world class academic medical district and medical center with an enhanced public realm strategy that connects to the water
Brooklyn Avenue serves as the spine through the West Campus and is repositioned as a complete green street
The public realm strategy for the Central Campus retains the existing historic open space structure, introduces development along the periphery, and makes the edges more porous
In the life of the plan the South Campus gets largely redeveloped as a world class academic medical district and medical center with an enhanced public realm strategy that connects to the water

A series of pedestrian bridges connects the South Campus to Central Campus. New open spaces provide views and physical connections to the water

Land currently used as surface parking accomodates innovation and industry partnerships north of the athletics and recreation precinct

A proposed land bridge connects the Central Campus to the East Campus

The plan includes a sustainability framework comprised of five elements
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Caitlyn Clauson.