The fitness complex renovation expands on the existing SDFC site
Students voiced a desire for a dynamic, community-focused space
亚利桑那州立大学的早期规划基于战前市郊社区的网格结构,历年来校园密度和城市化程度逐步增加,以至于只能通过增加新建筑高度以保留树荫和蓄水池等开放空间。这些限制在太阳神健身综合体规划初期就显而易见。 六个运动场中,三个位于二层,在一层运动场和健身区的柱网之上,朝南的运动场围绕大游泳池和平台区布置。为直接推进大学的关键功能,设计体现了校园规划的目标,增加开放空间、沿着校园南侧边缘建立重要门户、提供从多层学生宿舍到东南的视觉过渡、创造从学校向周围社区开放、引人入胜的远景。层层退台的悬臂建筑体块和细致布局的窗户成功创造了通往亚利桑那州立大学校园核心的门户。通过建筑形态的堆叠,设计团队创造了独一无二的视线和优越的位置。五个篮球场中三个位于二层,通过大窗展现周围的校园景致。多功能场地健身房有落地窗,打开了面向附近校园道路的视野。二层健身房下方的一条户外走道方便学生从南侧进入校园。微妙的转换和褶皱为锥形建筑注入了活力。底层架空的设计提供了遮荫,也保护室内运动界面不受直射阳光和眩光的干扰。
Glass walls and differentiated ceiling heights create a sense of openness between recreation spaces and stories
The non-linear building mass artfully incorporates the facilities inside, while creating an engaging, open facade
太阳神健身综合体视觉上很通透,建筑内外的学生都可以看到他们周围发生的活动。这种内在联系也有助于满足使用群体增强学生生活、建立校园社区感的愿望。这样的设计将功能区翻倍, 但仅需新添两名工作人员监督和运营。另外,维护和更新现有主入口也很重要,不仅避免额外的工作人员和安保,更保留了校园主要林荫散步道重要的终端节点。
Glass windows lining the first story’s basketball courts incorporate the fitness complex into the greater campus
Unique sightlines into and out of the building help energy flow into and out of the complex
Undercut sections of upper stories protect the playing surfaces on the ground floor from the effects of glare and sunlight
Glass windows lining the first story’s basketball courts incorporate the fitness complex into the greater campus
Unique sightlines into and out of the building help energy flow into and out of the complex
Undercut sections of upper stories protect the playing surfaces on the ground floor from the effects of glare and sunlight
The design team actively considered the needed for added staff as space grew, managing to only minimally increase the workload while maximizing space utilization
Open spaces incorporate multiple floors of activity, implying the unity that the building has within its walls
The main entry point for the complex opens onto Arizona State’s pedestrian mall
The facility incorporates a wide variety of energy saving and sustainable design features and is on track to achieve a LEED Platinum rating. Heat transmission through walls is reduced through the use of a cement panel rain screen system and continuous exterior insulation layer, combined with heavily insulated double walled spaces (used for storage and duct chases) along the east and west faces of the building. Further energy reductions were achieved through the addition of solar thermal collectors on the roof of the existing building, which generates a significant amount of chilled water through a new absorption chiller and uses the large pool as a heat sink. A 280 kilowatt photovoltaic array is also located on the expansive roof of the expansion building. All the surface water runoff for the project is contained within the site through the incorporation of underground storage tanks and large retention basins in the surrounding desert landscape.
The outdoor pool plays a significant role in the complex’s sustainability efforts, functioning as a heat collector
Natural light is a given in most parts of the Sundevil Athletic Complex, flooding group spaces and giving sight to the outdoors
The warm, open climate of Tempe not only creates enjoyable recreation areas, but also factors in the re-use of heat that helps the site prioritize sustainability
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Fiske Crowell.