
The core plaza is the central feature of the plan, and will be the focus of early investment. A variety of public realm investments will encourage collaboration and the generation of ideas.

TechTown is an emerging knowledge district that is leading the city’s transition from an automobile-based to an innovation-based economy. The District is situated along the Woodward Ave corridor where a new light rail line is currently being implemented.

Several site considerations, including increasing safety in the district and utilizing the historic building stock, were woven into the planning principles

A variety of creative strategies were employed to encourage stakeholder participation in the development of the plan, including interactive games, online surveys, prioritization exercises, blog streaming, and public open forums. A core committee of institutional leaders were consulted at each milestone.

The vision for TechTown is structured around a public realm framework that defines key corridors and connects anchor institutions

TechTown is anchored by three key institutions: Wayne State University, Henry Ford Health System, and the College for Creative Studies. While each institution had previously prepared individual development plans, the plans did not leverage opportunities for collaboration in TechTown.

The plan is driven by several planning and design principles that address site challenges and support aspirational goals for the district
The vision for TechTown is structured around a public realm framework that defines key corridors and connects anchor institutions
TechTown is anchored by three key institutions: Wayne State University, Henry Ford Health System, and the College for Creative Studies. While each institution had previously prepared individual development plans, the plans did not leverage opportunities for collaboration in TechTown.
The plan is driven by several planning and design principles that address site challenges and support aspirational goals for the district

Fabrication tables extend from the adjacent fab-lab to facilitate the visible testing and development of new products. Shade stuctures and complementary landscaping create a comfortable environment for collaboration.

The core catalyzes new investment in TechTown. Engaging civic spaces and a carefully curated public realm program encourage participation, creation, and collaboration.

The core plaza is designed to encourage collaboration and entrepreneurial activity the heart of the district

The long term vision positions TechTown as the hub of innovation in Detroit. A renewed public realm ties together ideas-based industries within a vibrant urban neighborhood.

The “Digital Mirror” is an interactive system that monitors the utilization of various resources (energy, water, food, etc.) and informs inhabitants and cluster administrators. This allows them to more effectively manage systems at the urban scale and change lifestyle patterns of individuals to optimize resources and their consumption. It also displays and celebrates achievements by the creative community in TechTown, such as patents, innovations, and new technologies.
团队采用一系列策略鼓励公共参与科技城规划过程。一系列开放论坛包含来自创意区、研究园、城市设计与规划专家的专题演讲。而诸如”电路板”和”硬币调查”等的互动环节使社区可以测试设计方案并对投资的优先性进行排序。 “我的科技城”作为一个在线互动图式调查,收集了区域元素的质性印象,从而引导设计团队制定出更合理的城市设计规划与策略。

A district currently defined by surface parking lots and a lack of identity will transform into a sustainable, dense, well-balanced urban setting, with a clearly defined heart and strong sense of place

The Brainstorming Grove and Think Tank provide an informal destination for meeting and socializing, with access to the nearby Short Circuit Cafe and food trucks
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