A landmark tower at the gateway intersection of the Corniche provides a comprehensive and unique view of public open space, mixed-use development, vibrant street life, and the stunning Dead Sea landscape beyond
Overall concept
How the team understands the site’s natural hydrology
The market strategy
The open space strategy
The Corniche Boulevard allows for mixed-use development while still protecting an ecologically valuable grove of Tamarisk trees
Proposed concept
The market strategy
The open space strategy
The Corniche Boulevard allows for mixed-use development while still protecting an ecologically valuable grove of Tamarisk trees
Proposed concept
Visitors are drawn between active blocks of mixed-use buildings to the Waterfront Plaza which features a major public amphitheater, seating areas, and stunning views of the Dead Sea
Illustrated plan and guidelines concept diagram
The Sweimeh Corniche is a dynamic, mixed-use neighborhood of hotels, residences, shops, restaurants, and public open spaces at the foot of the Dead Sea. Vibrant development, ecological conservation, and public access to the Dead Sea come together in this critical district
Existing ravine corridors are integrated in the Sweimeh Urban District, where social and affordable housing is combined with public amenities and community facilities
Illustrated plan and guidelines concept diagram
The Sweimeh Corniche is a dynamic, mixed-use neighborhood of hotels, residences, shops, restaurants, and public open spaces at the foot of the Dead Sea. Vibrant development, ecological conservation, and public access to the Dead Sea come together in this critical district
Existing ravine corridors are integrated in the Sweimeh Urban District, where social and affordable housing is combined with public amenities and community facilities
Sweimeh Urban District
Oriented towards permanent residents of the Dead Sea Development Zone, the Sweimeh Urban District presents a welcoming gateway to the Dead Sea. Public amenities including a mosque, community facilities, a significant new open space, and a commercial district form the heart of this district. A range of housing types and smaller scale public amenities form the surrounding neighborhood.
Sasaki同时还提供了策略性环境评估,阐释规划中的可持续策略。此类大规模评估在约旦是第一次。这些策略在多种尺度上得到整合。 区域尺度上,淡水缺乏的问题通过对未来供应的仔细分析以及引入减少需求的措施得到缓解。规划的集中水处理设施将处理污水用于灌溉,同时解决由低效污水基础设施带来的公共健康与污染问题。公共交通减少对私家车的依赖。街道尺度上,街道与街区的布置试图将建筑接收的太阳辐射最小化。 建筑尺度上,我们的导则遵循约旦绿色建筑协会的可持续策略,例如建筑遮荫、材料选择、抗旱植物组合,在节约资源的同时展现区域设计并提高地方归属感。
Integrated sustainability strategies
Convention Center District
Adjacent to existing hotels and Jordan’s flagship convention center, the Convention Center district creates strategic insertions on available land between private parcels and on an underutilized parking lot, providing access to and views of the Sea
A vibrant public realm establishes physical and visual connections to the water
Integrated sustainability strategies
Convention Center District
Adjacent to existing hotels and Jordan’s flagship convention center, the Convention Center district creates strategic insertions on available land between private parcels and on an underutilized parking lot, providing access to and views of the Sea
A vibrant public realm establishes physical and visual connections to the water
This robust and sustainable framework for future development at the Dead Sea focuses on the public realm, access to the Sea, and sustainable infrastructure
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