北亚当斯市是全美国最大的当代艺术馆马萨诸塞州当代艺术博物馆(MASS MoCA)的所在地,当地在近年成为了旅游、文化与休闲活动的集中地。不过,流经市中心的胡塞克河却妨碍了城市的重生。随着防洪墙日渐老化,是时候审视解决办法,务求修复河道、鼓励市民再次亲近滨河地带以及重新构思防洪策略。Sasaki与屡获殊荣、致力于河道修复工程的Inter-Fluve公司协作,并联同当地的非盈利社区组织”胡塞克河河道复兴组织(Hoosic River Revival)”及马萨诸塞州政府生态恢复部门,一同重新构想胡塞克河在北亚当斯市中心区的发展前景,并且带领居民实现他们对河流的愿景。
Allowing nature to inform design, our restoration strategies capitalize on natural processes—such as reestablishing the river’s connection to its historic floodplain, providing a natural ‘relief value’ for flood waters, improving the riparian habitat, and enhancing access to the river. Reinvented as a river filled with life, both in the channel and along its banks, the plan includes improved habitats for native cold-water species, like brook and brown trout, reimagined recreational facilities, well-planned paths, and a host of other amenities for residents and visitors. These improvements will transform the area while maintaining or exceeding the existing level of flood protection. Based on more ideal river conditions upstream, the goal of the in-channel restoration is to develop, enhance, and reestablish stable riverine habitats, improve water quality, and restore in-stream connectivity. This strategy results in a design that is largely self-maintaining, reducing overall long-term maintenance costs.
The plan for the initial pilot project is rooted in implementation. With the largest amount of publicly owned land available, and the fewest constraints, existing parkland and several vacant city-owned parcels along the South Branch were selected for the design study and permit drawings. The pilot area incorporates many key elements identified as priorities by the community from earlier conversations held to solicit the ideas and dreams of North Adams’ residents. The plan celebrates the Hoosic River as a connecting feature through the city, improving access between Main Street, MASS MoCA, Heritage State Park, and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts campus. The scenic multi-use trail runs north-south along the entire 1.5 mile length of the South Branch, tying into proposed extensions of the Mohawk and Ashuwillticook recreation trails. As part of a greater vision for North Adams, these efforts complement the numerous, on-going planning and redevelopment efforts throughout the city. Since the inception of this project, Hoosic River Revival has been working closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials to facilitate the authorization process. Coupled with a thorough design process and hydraulic modeling of each design phase, the river restoration is expected to be completed in 2020.
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