A new model of coastal rehabilitation for working seafronts in China
Every investment in resilience should be multibenefit; we believe in leveraging the broader potential of resilience investments to strengthen social networks, grow economic opportunities, and advance equity. Addressing a range of challenges—from flooding, to heat waves, to drought—Sasaki works with clients to plan and design holistically for changing environments.
A new model of coastal rehabilitation for working seafronts in China
The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and Sasaki are excited to introduce this new user-friendly tool full of information around climate change risk and mitigation
A new kind of public open space that values the aesthetic, programmatic, and productive importance of treating contaminated water flowing into an EPA Superfund site
A community-driven vision for a resilient, inclusive waterfront destination
Where flooding is a way of life, planning and designing to welcome water is a natural next step for this Chinese riverfront park
A proposal to protect Manhattan from catastrophic flooding using a combination of natural and hard infrastructure systems
An award-winning comprehensive strategy to guide the city of Boston towards a more resilient future
A year-long public engagement process informed the draft
Sasaki collaborated with the City of Boston to develop strategies that will help build a more just, equitable, and resilient Boston
Creating a more flood resilient, accessible, and beautiful riverfront for Davenport, Iowa
Planning for resilience in a vulnerable area of Tennessee, guided by the principles: protect, restore, and empower
The premiere public amenity of Baton Rouge, LA, long deprived of social, economic, and natural activity, is being revitalized into an ecologically sound, cultural inclusive, and safe place