Sasaki’s annual research grant program funds internal research initiatives
Sasaki 认为研究是提升集体认知、推动创新的重要动力。从研究透水铺装原型到田野调查;从数据可视化到建筑外壳热效率监控,我们支持各个层面的设计研究。探索新知是 Sasaki 的实践基础。以研究为起点,我们得以实现更好的设计。
知识共享平台《城市密度图集 Density Atlas》将密度测量标准化,建立跨地域的城市密度信息库,为城市设计领域提供宝贵的资源
Read about the new user-friendly tool full of information around climate change risk and mitigation from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and Sasaki
Learn more about research projects from across the practice
Parametric design saved countless hours and revealed innumerable possibilities for generating the unique line patterns at Akamai Technologies' Kendall Square HQ
An in depth research project that takes into consideration the input of industry leaders from a number of fields
Sasaki's Kate Tooke published a deep dive into a post-occupancy study she conducted at Smale Riverfront Park. The article originally appeared in the National Recreation and Parks Association's (NRPA) magazine, Parks and Recreation
A Sasaki research project explores the nuances of small towns in America
Beyond structural integrity, terra cotta offers several unique benefits for use: it is more environmentally friendly than concrete, can be set in many forms, and can be glazed to take on any appearance. A team embarks on material exploration
“We are disrupting our industry by questioning why and how we work, from the smallest workflow adjustment to a major shift in building technology that vastly improves how humans experience our buildings,” says the head of Sasaki's Technical Resources Group (TRG)
A research paper by Youngjin Lee, AIA, LEED® AP and Bomin Kim, AIA CPHC, has been published in an international blind peer-review journal, Advances in Computational Design. The paper, “Genetic Algorithms for Balancing Multiple Variables in Design Practice,” examines computational practices that allow designers to consider multiple variables at once