In temperate Lima, the fluidity of interior and exterior drove the design of the Wellness Center, which preserves an expansive and continuous plaza level that centers the campus public realm.
我们的建筑设计为项目赋予空间形态,并为建成环境丰富人文精神和提升文化与身份认同。Sasaki 致力于追求和整合在空间功能、建造工艺、材料研究,可持续和韧性设计方面的创新与技术,使实践得以根植于社会使命。
In temperate Lima, the fluidity of interior and exterior drove the design of the Wellness Center, which preserves an expansive and continuous plaza level that centers the campus public realm.
The annual awards program recognizes architectural excellence across New England and around the world
这座十七层集实验室和研发楼为一体的全新 A 级办公楼将为波士顿海港区的公共领域设计立下新的标杆
With its final phase complete, the Tsai Field House and Commons has become a new campus hub for the Lawrenceville School, and a gateway to its athletics facilities.
Office Shift Pro 助益开发商能够快速果断做出改建办公楼的投资决定
At the heart of the new Bonnet Springs Park, a colorful home for the Florida Children’s Museum emerges from the site’s interconnecting topography
Congratulations to the Universidad de Lima Recreation, Wellness, and Student Life Center, the Lehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses, and the Lawrenceville School Gruss Center for Art and Design
Nandi’s science and technology expertise spans commercial and academic sectors
Sasaki collaborated with the QU community to distill the university’s mission into a flexible and engaging learning environment