We are broadening the reach of accessible design and setting best practices with partners like, the Sasaki Foundation, the Mosesian Center for the Arts, the Perkins School for the Blind, and the City of Boston.
Hideo Sasaki, 公司创始人, 1957
Sasaki 汇集各专业之所长,致力于多方参与,并积极聆听、主动协调。我们努力回应各方不同的声音,以保证与各地社群、机构、政府及企业进行更好的沟通。
We are broadening the reach of accessible design and setting best practices with partners like, the Sasaki Foundation, the Mosesian Center for the Arts, the Perkins School for the Blind, and the City of Boston.
The Nubian Square (formerly, Dudley Square) community convenes to discuss public space and how to create a Frederick Douglass memorial that's welcoming to all, but acts as a safe space for Boston's black community. The session included a moving spoken word performance of "Radical Black Girl" by local artist Des Polk.
“In the same way that we take responsibility for ecological and sustainable approaches to design, we have to do the same with these issues of equity and inclusion,” says Sasaki designer Diana Fernandez, who moderated the all-female panel on diversifying the design profession.
“Design has the power to address the most urgent societal, structural, and physical challenges we face today, from social equity to mobility to environmental resilience. It is an agent of change. And yet, access to design—for communities that need it the most—is often limited,” says Alexandra Lee, Executive Director of Sasaki Foundation. The Barr Foundation's grant enables greater community impact.
"There are few women — and even fewer people of color — who design athletics and recreation facilities...the end-users and communities for whom we design these facilities, however, tend to be much more diverse — both in terms of race and gender." So how can the industry do better? Sasaki architectural designer Emily Parris puts forth concrete, actionable steps designers can take to make sports architecture more inclusive in Athletic Business magazine.
Sasaki 的政策和管理手段崇尚兼听则明,并致力于培养每个层级的多元人才和鼓励多样的领导方式,从而营造以“和而不同” 为核心的企业文化。
我们通过以下方式学习不同文化、为少数群体发声、引导青少年了解设计行业、以及通过 Sasaki 基金会促进不同观点间的交流。
Sasaki aspires to galvanize the entire Boston design community in advocating on behalf of LGBTQ+ communities. This year's Pride awareness week included educational film screenings, a fundraising campaign, gallery showing, and a colorful and joyful march.
The August Moon Festival is celebrated by cultures across Asia. This celebration, chock full of food, music, and educational moments, was one of 2019's High Holidays, a program that encourages cultural exchange across our diverse office.
Sasaki 是一个文化多元并具有社会使命感的设计公司。不论性别、性取向、肤色、年龄、宗教、族群、国籍、社会背景、残疾状况,我们都将提供每一位员工平等的发展机会。我们的实践让不同背景、技能和观点的参与者公平发声,以确保设计满足客户和社群的复杂需求。
我们保证向社会公开我们鼓励多元、平等、包容的目标和进展。2020年,Sasaki 获得了“公正企业认证 (Just Label)”,印证了我们如何监督企业责任并致力于社会公平。以此认证为起点,我们决心不断完善 Sasaki 的公平体系。
Just label version 2.0, acquired in April 2022